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"My name is Tristan Ouellette, I'm a Junior at Norwich University, and I was the Charter Chief Squire for the local Squires circle. Ever since I was 5 years old, I saw my dad serving others as a Knight and immediately wanted to join, but unfortunately, the K of C accepts men 18 years or older. The Squires is a junior Knights of Columbus organization. We focus on physical activity, civic duty, intellectual development, and spiritual service. We can be somewhat compared to the Boy Scouts. Only, to join the squires is practically free! We have a yearly fee of $12 to pay the Supreme Knights counsel our dues and to give the circle money. What we need is numbers.
NO TIME IS REQUIRED. We have one monthly meeting that is not required. The only thing a boy needs to do to join the squires is about two hours in the investiture, which requires a few things and $6.
For more info email me at
-Tristan Ouellette
Past Chief Squire
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
Circle #5806
We can't wait to hear from you! If Christ is in all of us, there would be more Christ together. Remember: Esto Dignus - Be Worthy.
Our goal as a circle is to have a fall, winter, and spring event every year. Even if you can’t make regular meetings, come to an event! Learning to camp, fish, hike, are part of the “P” on our emblem.
The Squires Emblem includes a Maltese Cross upon which are the letters “P”, (physical fitness); “I”, (intellectual development); “S”, (spiritual growth and the practice of our faith); and “C”, (citizenship and civic life). The large letters “C” and “S” intertwined with the Cross respectively represent Christ and Squires. The “K” centered on the cross symbolizes the Knights of Columbus. Esto Dignus, the Squires’ motto encircling the emblem, is Latin of “Be Worthy.